Shop outside the box!
Shop outside the box!
I have been in the market for a new cordless drill for some time now and have been doing research on various models and came across some information that I’d like to share. Where you buy your tools and materials you use in your home DOES make a difference! For example, let’s take a Makita 18-Volt drill, (Model LXFD01) I was doing my due-diligence on the manufacturer website and at multiple retailers and came across the following:
This from the manufacturer site:
Makita-built 4-pole motor delivers an industry-leading 750 in.lbs. of Max Torque
This from a well-known big box store:
Makita-built 4-pole motor delivers 480 in.lbs. of Max Torque
Taking that into consideration, is it worth the $12 savings at your local big box store vs. your trusted local lumber yard, only to have a 36% less powerful motor? Quite often, manufacturers will develop a cost-saving alternative version of a best selling model at the request of large volume retailers, which will offer the “same” model for slightly less than your local independently owned hardware store (In this case, a lesser motor). There is not anything wrong with this practice necessarily – just please realize this when you are price shopping.
The same can be said for many other items you will use in your home every day – from ceiling fans to faucets and even lawn mowers (we’ve all seen those green and yellow lawn tractors chained together, sitting on the sidewalks of our local big-box retailers) – In the end, doing a little research will likely prove that you get what you pay for!
Betcha didn’t know your home inspector could help you shop smarter did you? Our advice – shop local.
Please note – I do not endorse this manufacturer in any way, nor do I attempt to steer you away. I just picked this drill as an example.