January is National Radon Awareness Month
Did you know…
That radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas?
That you cannot see or smell radon?
That radon can be found in the air and in water?
That testing is the only way to know your level of exposure?
That radon is dangerous when above 4.0 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) in the air?
That radon is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer in the United States? For those left wondering, smoking claims the top spot.
That the National Academy of Sciences has estimated that radon is responsible for approximately 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the US each year? That’s one death every 25 minutes.
That all radon testing methods (and testing professionals) are NOT created equal?

CRM – Continual Radon Monitors – The best way to test for radon!

The fluctuations on this test are due to the homeowner opening doors and windows.
It is very easy and fairly inexpensive to test for radon. It is recommended that every home be tested. We are here to help. Premier Home Inspection Services uses Continuous Radon Monitors that continuously monitor and take a snapshot of the radon in the air every hour. It is essentially tamper proof, as it will record changes to the air made by opening a window or turning on a fan. The monitor is placed in the lowest livable level of the home and needs to run for at least 48 hours to provide a valid test result.
We also offer water testing services so if you haven’t tested your water recently, we would recommend a comprehensive water test that also tests for radon in the water.
Take steps to keep your friends and family safe. Warn people of the dangers and give your friendly, neighborhood home inspector a call today to schedule your test! We have the tools, technology and, most importantly, the training to offer the most comprehensive inspection available. This includes radon testing in NH. Read more about radon testing on our web page: Radon Testing
Useful links where some of this information was gathered:
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